About Us
Welcome to ULTIMATE Academy, the University of Life Training, Infinite Mastering of Abilities, and Transformative Excellence Academy. We’ve decided to create an educational platform based on the needs of the professionals and adepts who know the systems and ways of education best: the educators, the teachers, and the students.
Make ULTIMATE Academy your home platform. You can do an incredible array of different things with our platform; from finding jobs and getting certified credentials to running your own teaching business or learning a foreign language from a native speaker; in the comfort of your own home and based on your own schedule.
Businesses, schools, universities, libraries, government entities, institutions, private academies, nonprofits, corporate training, seminars, profiles, internships, education publications; just like you, we do it all. We’re constantly expanding our horizons, making adjustments and modifications in any places we can find ways of improvement, and, simply put, we do it not only because its part of our life and educational philosophies, but also because we recognize that when we help others, we help ourselves, and when we benefit others, it benefits us as well.
What’s ULTIMATE Academy?
ULTIMATE is an acronym, which stands for: "University of Life Training, Infinite Mastering of Abilities, and Transformative Excellence." There is an entire philosophy, mission, and pedagogy behind our educational and life approaches, which helps set us apart from the rest; especially as a way of life.
Launched in 2018, ULTIMATE Academy provides myriad educational services for students, teachers, parents, organizations, and our local and global communities.
We are a private academy start-up offering courses, workshops, corporate seminars, teacher training, life skills, conferences, and other services to empower, train, and benefit people of all walks of life, and provide opportunities for society and the community that otherwise would not be available. Working together with other revolutionary education companies and institutions, especially in the field of E-Learning, we are implementing and integrating new educational methods and technologies to effectively raise the bar for education standards and cutting-edge learning.
In addition to online tutoring, teacher training, job placement, publishing periodicals and interviews, and study abroad and international educational opportunities, we also provide internships and educational programs for recently and soon-to-be graduated college students.
ULTIMATE Academy prides itself in helping new and potential teachers and clients take their first steps toward a career in education, and giving them the solid experience, training, background, and resources needed to be prepared, confident, and successful in their career and educational pursuits.
Join us today, and see how we can provide "Dynamic Education for your Infinite Potential."