Foundational Values and Educational Philosophy

OUR mission:

Unstinting Commitment to Benefiting All by Revolutionizing Education for the Transcendence of Humanity.

We are determined to provide the best education to our students and resources for teachers, in any number of subjects, so that they can achieve and surpass their goals. Whether wanting to get the best score possible for an important test, or wanting to master a subject discipline with confidence and brilliance, our mission is to give you the learning, practical skills, and supreme ability to succeed.

OUR educational philosophy:

We use an inordinate number of educational philosophies and practices, which we fondly refer to as “The Bruce Lee Method,” in honor of Lee’s penchant for taking what is useful from something, and scraping the remainder where it is neither effectively applicable, nor correct for the circumstances at hand. As a result, our combinations of ideas, seeking to take the best from all and incorporating it into a whole, are constantly being cultivated, refined, and perfected. This life process of cultivating, refining, and perfecting a technique, skill, or ability we refer to as the process of Develop, Enhance, Advance, Evolve; or DEAE (pronounced “D”-“A”) for short. Our commitment to our DEAE process of transcendence ensures that we are continuing to develop and evolve new strategies while refining and optimizing current approaches and techniques.

ULTIMATE Academy especially emphasizes the educational approaches pioneered and championed by the leading educators of the 20th century. Included in the parenthesis is a partial but short alphabetical list of the educational and pedagogical approaches to education from leaders who have inspired us most (Jane Addams, Bruce Lee, John Dewey, W.E.B. Du Bois, Paulo Freire, Daisaku Ikeda, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi, Robert J. Marzano, Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner, Rabindranath Tagore, Booker T. Washington, Tao Xingzhi, etc.).

We’re also big on Classroom Management and Differentiated Instruction strategies to both increase good behavior, and practicing proven methods and strategies for encouraging better student engagement and motivation. That’s why we offer certification training in both for accredited graduate school credit, good for licensure renewal, and, usually, a pay raise.

For more information about our school, its offerings, or other services, please feel free to use the Contact Us form to get in touch with us at your convenience.


Please pardon our dust as we finish completing the content for this section.

There are six interrelated coefficient values in our educational model. These consist of:


Diligence & Perseverance, Indomitable Spirit, Commitment & Community, Self-Mastery, Humanism & Altruism, and Value-Creation. Thus, DPISCCSMHAVC.



Diligence & Perseverance – continuously striving and working hard to do your best, and never giving up on your goals until you succeed. There is no substitute for hard work, and no meaningful success is gained overnight. Success is the culmination of sustained efforts directed at a specific purpose or goal over an extended length of time. We consider patience and constant effort to be the “skeleton keys” for success.

Indomitable Spirit – possessing an unshakable conviction that with effort and time you will succeed, and having an optimistic belief that the future holds the promise of great things to come for those who are unwavering in their resolve.

Commitment & Community – obliging and pledging oneself to realizing one’s goals and pursuing one’s dreams, and furthermore, understanding how these goals and dreams not only serve to benefit oneself but also one’s community. While the individual is the foundation of the community, one realizes that without one’s community the accomplishments of the individual are meaningless. As a school, we follow this approach and philosophy in seeking to be committed participants and active members in benefiting our surrounding communities.

Self-Mastery – self-discipline and striving to improve and master oneself, refining one’s abilities and working hard to transform one’s weaknesses into strengths, and thereby master every aspect of one’s life, is the hallmark of an enlightened and exceptional person. A person on the path of self-mastery is a person determined to become an individual of remarkable ability, and is thereby destined to change the lives of others in profound and lasting ways. Such a person can indeed change and improve the world simply by changing and improving themselves.

Humanism & Altruism – belief in humanity and the potential of human beings as being limitless and infinite; and the belief that one should strive to benefit others because one possesses the compassionate wisdom to understand that doing good for others is doing the greatest good for oneself.

Value-Creation – The highest form of benefit. One seeks to find meaning and purpose in one’s life and actions by striving to create value in the lives of others through their compassionate resolve to benefit individuals, their community, and by extension the world and all of humankind. A person who walks the path of value-creation seeks to create value with every action they perform, every friend they encounter, every doing they enact, in order to benefit the people and the world around them, trusting that this will benefit all, including themselves, in both the present and future.

Rob takes a goodbye photo with his Creative Writing class after completing their finals: reading or performing their best work from the semester to the class. It was one of his most beloved classes during the two years he spent teaching as a visitin…

Rob takes a goodbye photo with his Creative Writing class after completing their finals: reading or performing their best work from the semester to the class. It was one of his most beloved classes during the two years he spent teaching as a visiting adjunct professor at Sichuan University of Arts and Science ( 四川文理学院 ) .


It all started when…

Young educator and aspiring professor Rob Acker returned home to America after teaching in China for two years. After seeing firsthand the education in China and America, and gaining intimate knowledge of the best and worst practices in both systems, including private and public sectors of education internationally, Rob decided a new approach to education should be available and accessible.

He founded ULTIMATE Academy with an epic vision; a vision so big and vast he knew he would never be able to accomplish it all within his lifetime, but such was the beauty of the vision that it would transcend his life and that the ideals would remain in existence long after his passing. Ideals transcending time, space, history, and culture enabling the continued betterment of humankind and the amelioration of the Earth; this was the goal ULTIMATE Academy would be created to help accomplish.